October is Domestic Violence Month.
I remember last year raising awareness all around Utah about it.
This year, being at college, and having nothing to do with it sorta makes me sad.
Today after lunch...me and my room mates saw across the hall a bunch of t-shirts hanging on a clothesline.
The t-shirts were of domestic abuse victims...& how they felt.
It was extremely emotional to say the least.
I read things like,
"My arms still ache from when he tied me down and raped me."
"Women are born just for men's pleasure."
a little kid shirt saying.."some boogymen are real."
it was heart wrenching and brutal.
Must I share my feelings about Utah's laws?
I think it'd ridiculous.
Throughout the past year and a half, I've raised awareness.
Talked at national conferences, and gave out fliers.
Utah is rated F for protecting teens against dating violence.
This month is domestic violence.
I don't think anybody realizes the difference between dating & domestic violence.
Domestic violence:
violence or physical abuse directed toward your spouse or domestic partner |
Dating violence:
the perpetration or threat of an act of violence by at least one member of an unmarried couple on the other member.
Here in Utah, teens can't file a protective order against their abuser.
Do we feel protected?
not at all...
When I competed in a competition all school officers were required to compete in (in high school), I chose dating violence. Many of the judges encouraged me to go talk to the legislature. We need to raise awareness. Do we all realize how serious the problem really is? No. Nobody even knows we can't file a protective order here. So in other words..If my boyfriend was currently abusing me, I couldn't take him to court to get a protective/restraining order. He would have to be my babies father, my husband, or someone I had lived with.
Can you say PATHETIC?!
Let me share some statistics with you..
- Half of reported date rape incidents are teenagers.
- 81% of parents reported dating violence not being an issue or admit not knowing it being an issue.
- In 9 out of 10 rapes in which the offender is under 18, so is the victim.
To get more educated, and raise future awareness, click here.
Very pathetic and lame. Good for you to fight for those people!