my dearest shelby metcalf:
you are my best friend.
we've been friends for..what? almost 18 years now.
it's crazy.
of course we have had our rough times,
&& our tiffy's,
but what best friends dont??
you're there for me.
no matter what.
you don't judge me,
on the bad things i have done.
you understand me.
you address a problem when you have one with me.
you don't talk bad about me behind my back.
you care.
you listen.
you cry when i cry.
when we were little,
every card we ever wrote to each other said,
"if friends were flowers,
i'd pick you."
on the front of it.
&& really.
i've never had the opportunity
to share as much as with someone as i've shared with you.
i keep getting proved every single day
that there isn't anyone else out there better
to have as a best friend.
nobody gets me
like you do.
&& lately, i've been sad because i've lost trust.
in friends i thought were my best.
but i keep my chin up,
because i'll always have you.
can't wait for the scooter granny times.
bring it on, baby.
thank you for being there.
sorry for the cheesiness.
&& i can't wait til summer.
to spend all my free-time ever with you.
i love you, besty.
♥ xoxo
This was really sweet, I have never really had a best friend so I love this...