
Two Paths

In life, there are two paths. The straight and narrow, and the curvy (you can call it whatever you would like!) road. The past week or so, I've been wondering on what I should blog about. Well, tonight, a TOUGH conversation brought me to think of two paths. I remember a few months ago, I attended a hard mission farewell that lead us into a discussion with the stake president. He asked all single adults, ages 18-25 to meet in the back room just so he could talk to us for awhile. Well, I wasn't planning on attending that random little meeting until Ciara PUSHED ME to do so (: So I went. He said that he felt like he should for some reason talk to us. Well, we are taught that the righteous are on the "right hand of God." And he compared this to..a teeter totter!!

He was explaining to us that most of us are right in the middle. But you can't just stay in the middle for long. You either drift off to the left, or decide you want to live up to your full potential. We must decide now. Well, most of my friends decide Who am I? What kind of person do I want to be? Do I want to follow God, or have temporary happiness? They want to have temporary happiness. And that's fine. But it's super super hard on me when I see them. They think they are having the time of their lives, when in reality, it's only going to hurt and destroy them in the end. It hurts me..BIG TIME. But I have to realize that soon or later, I just need to worry about myself. What side of the teeter totter am I going to be on? Which PATH am I going to choose? The straight and narrow path is sometimes hard. It's sometimes hard to stand up for what you believe in, or to choose the right thing when everyone else is doing something that you won't think will make a difference. But once you develop those habits and get used to living a righteous life, you WON'T go wrong! Of course there is tons of temptations, and bumps in the road! But if you strengthen what you believe each and every day just by a little, it will be easier and easier to accomplish them. And remember..you're never alone. I just challenge all of you...to decide right now..

what do you want?


"Music is what feelings sound like"

In my opinion,
"Music is there when words can't be expressed."
I think music has been a big part of me since I was born, and it will be with me forever.
I play the harp and the piano. I love to sing, but only to myself when I'm home alone! very funny, eh?
Me and my dad were watching this video he bought today and I just fell in love with this song. Some can't handle it. My sister walked out and exclaimed, "That is HIDEOUS!!" I love it though.
I love the Italian language, as well as the chorus in English.
It is my new favorite song! I don't know why but when I hear music that gives me the chills, I just want to share it with everyone! I know that I"m weird! But..enjoy!



Today..I was running down the stairs as fast I could just so I could go find a straw for my mocha freeze with extra chocolate my dad bought me at Costco.

As I passed the corner in the middle where the two staircases met, I had a flashback of Edwin…one of the little African boys we hosted at my house nearly two years ago.

A rush of emotions ran right through me. I went to my room for a few minutes so I could have time to think and calm down, before returning to the kitchen to my family.

I miss them. So much.

I had a HUGE moment of change when the African kids were staying with me.

I truly found who I am..and the person I am today. I don’t know why I thought of Edwin instantly. I’m bummed I can’t travel to Africa this summer. It’s because of elections. In Kenya, it’s very dangerous this year because white people will get kidnapped and killed. I guess it is for my safety. I just miss the rest of my family.

I know it’s hard on my mom too. They were a PART of our family. They taught us how to be grateful for what we have. Sometimes I get carried away in the worldly things, and what I want at that moment, or what will benefit ME.

I just have these random moments where I MISS them. So much. I have never been happier than that summer when they stayed at my house. I was content with anything at that time. I never wanted to go shopping. I didn't ever "crave" random foods that I could go buy. Having their presence was all I needed.

I really hope and pray I can see them in this life. They had the biggest impact on my life! I miss them--and I will never EVER forget them.

Another "pretend" birthday (: I love this boy


Hanging On

The past..what month? Has been so dang hard on me! I try to be optimistic and have a good attitude about the future, and change. But everything builds up, and then gets the best of me. Today, I just want to talk about hanging on. One of my best friends, Sid, has a quote that he seriously lives by!
"Fall Seven Times, Get up Eight."
-Japanese Proverb
Sometimes, this quote is very hard for me to understand.
Sometimes I don't feel as if I can stand up after I've fallen.
Because it's too tough.
But God..will never give you anything you can't handle.
Even if you [think] you can't get through it,
you can.
"With God, all things are possible."
-Matthew 19:26
Winston Churchill once said, "If you're going through hell, keep going."
But I think the perfect quote to describe what I'm feeling right now would be by Mother Teresa.
"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle, I just wish he didn't trust me so much."
I always look at other people and think,
"I am so glad that wouldn't ever happen to me...because I know I couldn't handle that."
But soon enough..here comes my trial that I thought I couldn't handle.
The thing is..I thank God for trials. As weird and crazy as that sounds.
Because as I go through that trial, I become stronger.
And I am able to conquer the next trial thrown my way a little easier.
There's this lady's blog I follow who I am utterly obsessed with!
My mom showed this to me. She was a victim in a plane crash and was severly burned.
Her story is truly amazing.
I encourage you all to take a look at her blog.
Read what she has to say.
Watch her videos.
Strive to be more like her.
Your life will significantly change if you do.
To View her blog, click Here.
To Watch her amazing video, click Here.
I promise it will change your life around. If you have a heart (:


My Mother

I'll like you forever.
I'll love you for always.
As long as I'm living..
my baby you'll be.

I'm not sure if my mom remembers telling me this story or not! She used to read the book to me..ALL THE TIME! She made up her own tune to sing it to me, and it's stuck with me ever since. This book has really meant a lot to me lately. In my 1st grade class, we read this book to our kid's. It hit me hard right then and there!
Time goes..so fast.
We need to take each moment for granted and live in it! It is so hard to leave my mom with every new chapter that comes in my life.
It's hard because I want to share every single moment with her.
But graduating comes responsibility, and independence.
I'm not ready.
But..I was in a religion class the other day, and my teacher was talking about change.
He said:
"Change is a good thing. It can be very hard. Though it is just God's way of showing you that you can be something much more great."
That's an awesome theory.
But still..
I'm going to miss my mom.
So this post is for her! I hope she knows how much I love her!
I am going to do just a couple reasons why I love her so much!!
  • The love she has for my dad: She has been happily married to my dad for over 25 years now! That is something to look up to! They are the greatest couple and her love for him depicts the perfect example of the kind of wife I want to be.
  • Her kindness. I'll walk in the door, go straight to my room, without acting any different. Or so i think..but she knows. She knows when something is wrong. And that's a good thing. Because she eventually get's it out of me, we talk about it, and she makes everything better.
  • She encourages me. Even though there are some big, hard steps in my life, she offers me to a challenge. I've had countless rewarding experiences just from her influence.
  • She's a mom, and a friend. I would not really like to have those mom's who are just like you. Who wear your same clothes, share your same "young adult" interests, and are like we call them..'FLUFF MOMS!' She's a mom..and a friend.
  • I love her for being strict..especially in middle school through about sophomore or junior year. I never understood some of her crazy rules. But now..I thank her for them. Because they only made me the person I am today!
  • I love her. Words can't really describe the kind of person she is. You can't find a much better mother! Anywhere..and she is truly one of a kind. I am so thankful to GOD for giving me the greatest mother possible.

Happy Mother's Day, Mommy. I hope you know that I'll always be your little girl! You are my best friend, my inspiration, my rock, and the one who keeps me going. I love you.


10 Things I Love

1. My New Job.

Who knew you could love to work so much?
I love my job at Seasons Boutique!!
It's going to be sad when I move up to Logan and have to leave it! Hopefully i'll be sick of it by then!

2. Deron Williams
Yeah that's right. Shot right over Kobe. I dislike Kobe.
And..I love Deron Williams so much! He's an amazing player, and definitely my favorite player ever! I like to call him my fiance or something like that.

3. Letters

Letters from missionaries. Letters from friends. Letters from my mommy.
I love Thank You cards! After I perform I often get thank you cards.
They make my day!

4. Rav4

I don't know whether it will be in this life..
or the next..
But I will be getting a RAV4.

5. Frozen Grapes.

6. Music
I believe Music is here for when we can't put something into words.
I love music so much.
It is my outlet.
I go play the harp & piano when I have nowh
ere else to run.
It's my passion.

7. The Mountains

This is my home right here!
Salt Lake City.
So pretty!
I think we all take for granted where we live-
I love hiking.
I love just looking at the mountains.
I love it here.

8. Einsteins Bagels

Potato bagel with turkey and cheddar cheese.
To die for.
Try it sometime.


When life gets hard,
go read quotes.
I'm not even kidding.
There's millions of quotes out there that have helped me
[in my life]..that I love!


How could I like community service?
You know---I LOVE IT!
It has helped me out so much these past five years.
and I look forward to doing more!
Try it sometime..and don't be selfish!

Taking time to help people actually helps you!


Blog Nominations! (:

I got a sweet blog nomination from Lauren! She is so freaking cute! Moreover, I didn't look at this blog nomination as just a nomination (: I saw it as "friendship."

Here are the rules to be followed:
*Give this award to 5-10 sweet and friendly bloggers,
*make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you,
*put the award on your blog, and
*let your nominated 10 know you've awarded them by leaving a comment!

I don't blog surf very often, but I am getting better at it, I promise! This is why I only made...
5 nominations!

I nominate:




Lindsay & Steven
