Hi Amanda,
I used to read your blog every time you posted
something new,
I used to be a follower.
I probably read them in the first place because they were motivating.
But lately, Amanda, your blog posts have been nothing but pure irritation.
All you blog about is your love life
and how much you love your family
and your religion
and all the things that are not very necessary to blog about.
Not a lot of people care about what you are posting.
Have you ever realized that most bloggers who have a lot of people reading their blog don't post about the things you are posting about?
I am only telling you this because I have grown to love your blog, but lately it is definitely lacking a lot of things it did not use to lack. I am giving you this advice so that you can take it, apply, and proceed to have a great blog. Because lately it really is just plain boring.
I used to read your blog every time you posted
something new,
I used to be a follower.
I probably read them in the first place because they were motivating.
But lately, Amanda, your blog posts have been nothing but pure irritation.
All you blog about is your love life
and how much you love your family
and your religion
and all the things that are not very necessary to blog about.
Not a lot of people care about what you are posting.
Have you ever realized that most bloggers who have a lot of people reading their blog don't post about the things you are posting about?
I am only telling you this because I have grown to love your blog, but lately it is definitely lacking a lot of things it did not use to lack. I am giving you this advice so that you can take it, apply, and proceed to have a great blog. Because lately it really is just plain boring.
inspired me to post this [from her recent post]
&& to not edit as much as i normally would.
first of all..
i don't know who 'payton' is.
{have you ever heard of payton harwood?}
i personally kind of think it's just
a "pansie" who hides behind their computer,
&& pretends like they were a follower of mine.
well, payton,
i can blog about what i want.
do you know why?
you will never guess..
because.. it is MY blog.
i shouldn't give you much credit,
i just want to politely ask you,
to stop reading my blog.
i don't have time for people like you,
to try && offend me,
to try to pull me down.
if you dislike me,
or have a problem with me,
please don't make an 'anonymous account'
&& email me.
just come to my face.
i will solve things with you.
in fact,
i would be happy to.
if you don't agree with what i am posting,
then don't read it.
it's simple.
one click equals "stop following."
♥ xoxo.
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