
The Greatest Lesson

Today I went for a jog. I ran to the cemetery, and visited Chad. As I sat there for a minute, silently, I pondered about life. I didn't realize it until after he passed, but Chad taught me many lessons in my life. This year is going to be full of change. Not necessarily good, but not necessarily bad. Though Chad's life is in the past now, I can't just leave it in the dirt. Some people think I should, but I will never ever forget Chad. He taught me the greatest lesson in life I have ever learned. I miss him.
As I'm typing this, tears strolling down my face, not even able to read what I'm typing because my eyes are so watery, I am glad. I am so thankful for what I believe.
I know I will see Chad some day again. He is able to experience everything we are experiencing in his own little world up there right now. I miss him so much. Words can't even describe. As I was sitting next to his grave, just looking into his eyes on the picture of his grave, my heart was full.
I am no longer bitter.
I am no longer angry at God.

I am no longer angry at anyone.
I am solely..full of thanks and love for everyone around me.
Sometimes it's hard to thank God for something so terrible to happen.
But we can't see the big picture right now.
God has a plan for us all.
We just have to hang in there and be strong.
It's sucked. These past two years. It really has. But with the help of good people around you, you can get back on that track.
I'm not happy any of this happened.
I am happy for the experience.
I'm happy I could take something so terribly wrong that happened..
into something to learn from and to remember.
It kills me--it really does.
But since 5'o clock this afternoon..
I am no longer bitter.
Dang it feels good


  1. That was beautiful. And very touching. I love the attitude that you have towards it all!

  2. There is something on my latest post for you... check it out :)

  3. Praise the LORD for the no more bitterness in your heart! That is SO encouraging.

    I'm a new follower, found you from Lauren's blog! I'm having my first ever giveaway over at my blog and would love for you to enter!



  4. i think chad taught us all something, probably something different for each of us. but i'm grateful that i knew him, and for what he taught me!
