
[Favorite Quote of the Day]

I love one tree hill! And they have some of the most amazing quotes ever on that show!!

"There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on the path while others tell you who you are? Or will you label yourself? Will you be honored by your choice? Or will you embrace your new path? Each morning you choose to move forward or to simply give up."
-Chad Michael Murray (Lucas)

Do you not agree with this quote?! Stuff has been very very very hard lately! With everything! But I feel like when I choose the right things in life--I'm so happy! But I swear..little things throw me off course. And it's so hard to get back on that right track. I am now trying..my hardest. I know who I am..and [I do not let others define me.]
People at school have been so dang rude! I don't understand why! People put false labels on me that I don't understand. I don't get where they came up with certain things. I haven't given anyone a reason to label me the way they did. But do you know what I do? Instead of letting it get to me, I go talk to Shelby about it, and we just laugh our heads off! I don't care..I don't let others define me, or put labels on me. It doesn't get to me. So..if you are one of those people at school making fun of my blog but you still read it (you know who you are)

I DON'T CARE what you say about me! (: It really just lightens my mood and makes me laugh even harder.

Another thing that I have noticed is that---
we need to worry about ourselves. I see those people ALL THE TIME who drink on the weekends, and then they're like a way good christian on Sunday. Why is that? let me just go have sex, drink, and party all weekend, and then totally act like a goody good kid on Sunday!

Sunday Saints..Monday Aints..
Gotta love em'!

But what we need to realize is worrying about ourselves! It does bother me about these kinds of people..because you're wondering why in the world they're getting all the benefits from things..when you're doing it right this whole time. Nahh--don't even worry about that!
That's judging..
Worry about yourself and how you're going to get there !Look at yourself and think, "Hmm..am I doing this right?" it Helps..and it allows you not to look down on other people who aren't doing things they are supposed to be.

Every morning we wake up .. and we can choose to do the right thing..which is (most the time, for me at least) harder. Or we can simply give up!
Well..do the right thing. do the HARD thing!

And when you're going to bed at night, think, "Was I better today than I was yesterday?"
Each day do it.
And day by day, you will be a better person.

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