
[New Chapter Part 2?]

Man! Well..this is gonna be a continuation from my last post!!
Things are going crazy!
I want to say
for this new chapter.
It feels like the older I get, the faster time passes right by me.
There's a couple things in the future that are going to be really super hard on me. I learned one thing from a random New-Zealand guy that the outcome is going to be much better in the end.
It will be better at the end of life. It will be better after surgery. It will be better after the war is done. You can really compare it to anything. The outcome..will be better in the end. Everything happening in my future is happening for the BETTER.
-I'm moving out.
I'm going to be away from my mommy. my daddy. and my best friends. Shelby is staying here ): and my other best friend Meredith is moving up here for college.
My mom is my best friend. I don't know how I'm going to learn how to do certain little things without her. I'm so glad I have the best relationship with her! I really can't get much luckier.
As goes for my Daddy..he is the only person in the world that can make me laugh my head off when I am really mad or just having a cruddy day! I'm really going to miss his dumb little jokes, his made-up lyrics to church hymns, and the little fairy dances he does around the house.
Shelby and Meredith: there are NOT a lot of girls out there like them! That's why its' going to be way hard for me! I know I can still visit them, or they can visit me. But it's not going to be the same. I'm not going to be able to walk through my backyard and go cry on shelby's shoulder.
-Rachel is getting married!
Okay! I can't be happier for her! I'm so glad she found a good guy that treats her how she needs to be treated. Though I feel like I'm bein a bit selfish! I feel like she's leavin me. She just got back from her mission after a year and a half of not being with her! We're way close, but she's leaving me!! IT's gonna suck! But hey..that's life. That is a lesson though I can take! We need to enjoy all the time we have together. We never know when things are going to transition or suddenly change!
Sid's going on a mission. He is my BEST FRIEND. I don't talk about him a lot because it brings tears to my eyes! He really wasn't a big fan of mormons when we met. Now that he has gone to church, and done all he can possibly do, HE IS SUCH AN EXAMPLE!! Once again, I'm being selfish! I would MUCH RATHER have him out there than here! OF COURSE that's the right thing to do! But it's gonna be hard when I don't have anyone to drop EVERYTHING...just to come give me a hug and tell me everything will be okay.

The time's are a changin'.
Thank goodness for this blog! (:
It really helps me vent.
Now..i've got a couple months left of pure happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Mandi...I love your venting. It is so pure and honest. I remember those feelings...change is so hard. In the end though, that is how we progress in this life and become better. Heavenly Father puts certain people in our lives at certain times to bless us and for us to bless them. I cannot wait to see what great and amazing things He has in store for you! Knowing this doesn't make it easier though...right...so vent and cry all you need too. Cannot wait to see you this summer!
