

I'm a high school graduate. Yippy-i-oh? No not so much! It hasn't hit me yet I don't think. But instead, I've been trying to do other things like WORK to get it off my mind. It's an exciting time of year, it really is..but it's just, sad I guess! Onto the next stage of life! I learn to look at life like..

Whatever curve ball God throws at me, I'm hitting a home run.

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. You are too cute! And you'll love life after high school. it's fun!

  2. Your SUCH a doll!! I'm jealous of your looks :x

  3. i cannot WAIT to hear how much fun your going to have in college! your going to make tons and tons of friends just because thats just ..you! I know your going to have such an awesome time! Things are just flying by way way too fast!

  4. I agree with you! It's like, "If I don't think about it I don't have to actually except that I need to start being more adult like..." Honestly, I wonder if I'll ever be able to act like an adult haha.
    But whoever said the next step in life won't be just as fun and exciting?! :)
