

Though it's hard for me to think about, talk about, and even have nightmares about, death happens. I am shocked to learn about recent deaths of those I once knew. Today I was working. My mother came in and her, me, and my manager and boss were all talking. My mom mentioned that lately there has been a lot of young people leave. That definitely made me think. It's true.

Today, I found out some crazy news. After falling off of a pipe in Little Cottonwood Canyon, a friend hit his head in a freezing cold creek and wasn't breathing. One of my friends Adam was giving him CPR until the paramedics came. Later that morning, they officially pronounced him dead. He was 17.

Though some might find this story quite stalkerish and crazy, I follow blogs. I read a lot of blogs. There's a select few who I read and enjoy reading. One girl named Brittni Giliam has a blog I read. I didn't read it frequently, but about once a month or so. I was drawn to her love for the simple things in life. I tried living my life like her a day at a time because enjoying the simple things in life makes life a lot easier. She loved nature, she loved her mother, she loved music, and all the simple things. At work, I'm always on the internet when it's slow. I decided to go to KSL.com. The daily news here in Salt Lake County. As I scroll down reading the headlines, I see a topic titled "Ex-BYU student found stabbed to death in Alaska." Well dang..that's really scary! I decided to click on it. I scan through it as quickly as I can trying to get some reason of how or why this would have happened. I read the name "Brittni Giliam" 7-8 times before having it actually hit me. I didn't personally know this girl, but I knew her likes. I knew her WONDERFUL spirit, and example.

I just..can't believe it! Death is shocking. It doesn't ever hit me until about 2-3 weeks after the funeral. Even though I didn't know her, sadness did overcome me! How could I be so sad for someone I barely knew? I've learned that Death..is just a part of life. We can't see the big picture. And that is part of our great test. At times, I know that death is a huge trial in my life. I've lost so many people in my life that each time it happens, it's spiritually a little easier on me to handle.

As goes for all the young people passing away recently..
I don't know why that's happening.
But I always wonder what God has planned. I wonder WHY he is needing all of them over there.
Sometimes..I get selfish, stingy, and bitter. Why does heaven need all these courageous angels? Why can't any of them stay here?
We just see such a small picture right now. Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

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