
Well, Hello Again!

Well, I kind of died in the blogging world. I doubt anybody even looks at my blog anymore, but I do love to look back and read my past events and things that have made an impact in my life.
I'm officially a college girl.
I am on my own.
And I'm as homesick as ever.
I moved in, met my room mates, and wondered how in the world i'd make it.
I went to institute. For the first time yesterday.
Guess what the teacher talked about?!
Enjoying where you are in your life.
We are all on a crystal right now and it's right in front of us...we just don't know it because we aren't taking the time to notice it.
My room mate hurriedly glanced a look at me like,
"dang..this lesson is for you."
I love it.
I love my new life.
I'm just not good at adapting to change.
BUT...i'm loving it.
I love all my room mates.
and I love that my bestest best friend is back from his mission.

1 comment:

  1. It's about time you posted something new!! Hope your getting involved at school. It's tough making the adjustment to being on your own (kinda). You can find much happiness there if you look for it. Find kids who need you. SERVE!! Your a wonderful girl.

    Love, Les
