
Day 7

day 7- a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

You know..
i blogged about my mom.
my dad.
and my siblings.

i sorta wanna take time & blog about somebody
who has had such a huge impact on my life
through the past 2 months.

Brenda Jill Robertson
i love her.

I sat here staring at her picture...not in a weird way. heh.
i laughed.. because of all our good times we've already had..
and i criedAlign Center a little bit.
considering she's the bestest friend anyone could seriously ever have.

It's hard to attempt to put into words
how I feel about Bren (:

It was sorta spontaneous how we became room mates.
But I truly knew it was for a reason!

Brenda is a lot of things.
She's hilarious for one.
She makes me laugh with just the simplest things.

I'll be having a rough night (I've had a lot of those..)
and she just comes & gives me cuddles,
and just listens to me!

Not gonna lie..
I've never had a friend CARE so much.

God sent me Brenda for a reason.
i know 100% that she's in my life for a reason.
i love her.
and couldn't ask for a better friend.

like i said before.. words can't describe.
it's the best when you have room mates that
and can talk to.

Brenda..is my HERO and has truly made me a better person already.
I can't wait to see what other memories we make.

Bring it on.


  1. I could just hug you right now. The big kind.

  2. It's good to have a friend like her.

  3. Aww...that is so sweet. I am so glad Brenda is there for you. I think we could all use friends like her. I hope I can get to know her better too! Thanks Brenda, for being such a good friend to my girl!

  4. i always see pictures of you two and wonder who she is. she is GORGEOUS. glad you have such a good friend, they are hard to come by.
