every once in awhile,
i'll blog about someone who has made a
significant impact on my life.
laura waldron.
i met her in gym class last semester, but we didn't talk much.
then this semester at classes, i noticed her so we sat by each other.
we hit it off immediately.
as friends of carse (:
i know i've only known her for a couple of weeks.

but she has a way of making me laugh about EVERYTHING.
once she said our teacher looks like the little fat kid on matilda, brucey, eating cake.
we were so bored once she pointed out there was a bunch of different painted colored walls.
we just laugh.
a lot.
so i wanted to give her a shoutout.
you know those people who you KNOW god put there for a reason?
she's one of them.
i know we're going to be good friends.
she's a good girl,
who has a big impact on me,
makes me want to be a better person,
she's FULL of amazing advice,
makes me feel better when i'm sadd,
makes me laugh my head off to the point where i almost pee myself,
and even watches the bachelor. that's the first flag of a great friend.

i love her!! ahh!
bahaha i LOVE the fact that you said that about our prof-it's so TRUE!!