
i am thankful for the temple.

i received my endowment on saturday.
it was an amazing experience.

i am also getting sealed
to my other half
in two days.

i have nearly every emotion i can possibly feel.
&& i can't wait to kneel at the alter and officially
be together forever with the one i love.

"Each temple is symbolic of our faith in God
and an evidence of our faith in life after death.
the temple is the object of every activity,
every lesson,
every progressive step in the Church."

-Russell M. Nelson


  1. WOOHOO!!! I can't wait! Can I just say that is the sweetest thing I have ever read?! I have butterflies for you! I love you Amanda and I want you to know that I can't wait to officially call you apart of the family!

  2. It was a beautiful day! And an amazing ceremony!
