

Is it possible to care about someone too much?
Lately, i've really felt it is.
All I want for the people I care about..is the best for them.
So I try.. and try.. with all my might. I pray my heart out. I'm their friend. I care SOO DEEPLY for them. And what do they do? They think that what I know is for them isn't. K...this sounds so controlling!
I don't really know how to put it.
I guess if my friends or family are living the way that.. isn't right, or at least the way I don't feel is right...I know it's ruining their life.
JRC? Jail? Detention? That...would ruin your life.
[They're ruining their life.]
But they won't listen.
I feel as if I care too much?


  1. I think its awesome that you care so much because there are people out there that dont care enough so if people dont take your advice and your help then thats their choice and they are missing out on something that they could benefit from. Maybe one day when they have hit rock bottom they will remember how much you cared about them and they will kick themselves for not listening. They might even come back for help.
    There is no such thing as caring too much its just discouraging when someone doesnt realize how much you care for them.
    your amazing amanda

  2. You are a good friend mandi...love ya.

  3. hi, some times the people we take care about, think that they are being controlled by me...and start running away or even avoiding me...that hurts a lot...and so many times i wish that they shdn't have come in my life...

  4. I've wondered that myself..

    At times, it certainly seems that way. Keep caring though, because the people that you care "too much" about, need caring the most ;)
