
10 Things I Love

1. My New Job.

Who knew you could love to work so much?
I love my job at Seasons Boutique!!
It's going to be sad when I move up to Logan and have to leave it! Hopefully i'll be sick of it by then!

2. Deron Williams
Yeah that's right. Shot right over Kobe. I dislike Kobe.
And..I love Deron Williams so much! He's an amazing player, and definitely my favorite player ever! I like to call him my fiance or something like that.

3. Letters

Letters from missionaries. Letters from friends. Letters from my mommy.
I love Thank You cards! After I perform I often get thank you cards.
They make my day!

4. Rav4

I don't know whether it will be in this life..
or the next..
But I will be getting a RAV4.

5. Frozen Grapes.

6. Music
I believe Music is here for when we can't put something into words.
I love music so much.
It is my outlet.
I go play the harp & piano when I have nowh
ere else to run.
It's my passion.

7. The Mountains

This is my home right here!
Salt Lake City.
So pretty!
I think we all take for granted where we live-
I love hiking.
I love just looking at the mountains.
I love it here.

8. Einsteins Bagels

Potato bagel with turkey and cheddar cheese.
To die for.
Try it sometime.


When life gets hard,
go read quotes.
I'm not even kidding.
There's millions of quotes out there that have helped me
[in my life]..that I love!


How could I like community service?
You know---I LOVE IT!
It has helped me out so much these past five years.
and I look forward to doing more!
Try it sometime..and don't be selfish!

Taking time to help people actually helps you!


  1. i love this so much.
    community service makes me smile.
    quotes make me smile, too.
    and i probably dislike kobe more than you ;)


  2. Awesome... awesome you.... awesome blog.... never change love. :)


  3. mmmm d-will is one lucky man:) bahaha
    your new job is just awesome im so happy for you!! stick with it and you will start to like it more and more!

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  5. That was fun to read! I think I knew most of things about you, I really do! Love ya girl!

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