
My Mother

I'll like you forever.
I'll love you for always.
As long as I'm living..
my baby you'll be.

I'm not sure if my mom remembers telling me this story or not! She used to read the book to me..ALL THE TIME! She made up her own tune to sing it to me, and it's stuck with me ever since. This book has really meant a lot to me lately. In my 1st grade class, we read this book to our kid's. It hit me hard right then and there!
Time goes..so fast.
We need to take each moment for granted and live in it! It is so hard to leave my mom with every new chapter that comes in my life.
It's hard because I want to share every single moment with her.
But graduating comes responsibility, and independence.
I'm not ready.
But..I was in a religion class the other day, and my teacher was talking about change.
He said:
"Change is a good thing. It can be very hard. Though it is just God's way of showing you that you can be something much more great."
That's an awesome theory.
But still..
I'm going to miss my mom.
So this post is for her! I hope she knows how much I love her!
I am going to do just a couple reasons why I love her so much!!
  • The love she has for my dad: She has been happily married to my dad for over 25 years now! That is something to look up to! They are the greatest couple and her love for him depicts the perfect example of the kind of wife I want to be.
  • Her kindness. I'll walk in the door, go straight to my room, without acting any different. Or so i think..but she knows. She knows when something is wrong. And that's a good thing. Because she eventually get's it out of me, we talk about it, and she makes everything better.
  • She encourages me. Even though there are some big, hard steps in my life, she offers me to a challenge. I've had countless rewarding experiences just from her influence.
  • She's a mom, and a friend. I would not really like to have those mom's who are just like you. Who wear your same clothes, share your same "young adult" interests, and are like we call them..'FLUFF MOMS!' She's a mom..and a friend.
  • I love her for being strict..especially in middle school through about sophomore or junior year. I never understood some of her crazy rules. But now..I thank her for them. Because they only made me the person I am today!
  • I love her. Words can't really describe the kind of person she is. You can't find a much better mother! Anywhere..and she is truly one of a kind. I am so thankful to GOD for giving me the greatest mother possible.

Happy Mother's Day, Mommy. I hope you know that I'll always be your little girl! You are my best friend, my inspiration, my rock, and the one who keeps me going. I love you.


  1. Mand, that is a very sweet post. You do have an awesome mom! She is a great example to me. And I am SO grateful she is my sister and your Mom! Love you Girl!

  2. i even learn tons and tons from your mom!! She is one of those people where if you have a problem, you can go to her and she will give you the best advice ever! i love your mommy:)
