

Today..I was running down the stairs as fast I could just so I could go find a straw for my mocha freeze with extra chocolate my dad bought me at Costco.

As I passed the corner in the middle where the two staircases met, I had a flashback of Edwin…one of the little African boys we hosted at my house nearly two years ago.

A rush of emotions ran right through me. I went to my room for a few minutes so I could have time to think and calm down, before returning to the kitchen to my family.

I miss them. So much.

I had a HUGE moment of change when the African kids were staying with me.

I truly found who I am..and the person I am today. I don’t know why I thought of Edwin instantly. I’m bummed I can’t travel to Africa this summer. It’s because of elections. In Kenya, it’s very dangerous this year because white people will get kidnapped and killed. I guess it is for my safety. I just miss the rest of my family.

I know it’s hard on my mom too. They were a PART of our family. They taught us how to be grateful for what we have. Sometimes I get carried away in the worldly things, and what I want at that moment, or what will benefit ME.

I just have these random moments where I MISS them. So much. I have never been happier than that summer when they stayed at my house. I was content with anything at that time. I never wanted to go shopping. I didn't ever "crave" random foods that I could go buy. Having their presence was all I needed.

I really hope and pray I can see them in this life. They had the biggest impact on my life! I miss them--and I will never EVER forget them.

Another "pretend" birthday (: I love this boy


  1. omg, that is such a good experience!!! i am so envious.

    i would do something like that sometime. it would be life changing!!

  2. They are pretty neat people! Glad you got to host them.
