
Hanging On

The past..what month? Has been so dang hard on me! I try to be optimistic and have a good attitude about the future, and change. But everything builds up, and then gets the best of me. Today, I just want to talk about hanging on. One of my best friends, Sid, has a quote that he seriously lives by!
"Fall Seven Times, Get up Eight."
-Japanese Proverb
Sometimes, this quote is very hard for me to understand.
Sometimes I don't feel as if I can stand up after I've fallen.
Because it's too tough.
But God..will never give you anything you can't handle.
Even if you [think] you can't get through it,
you can.
"With God, all things are possible."
-Matthew 19:26
Winston Churchill once said, "If you're going through hell, keep going."
But I think the perfect quote to describe what I'm feeling right now would be by Mother Teresa.
"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle, I just wish he didn't trust me so much."
I always look at other people and think,
"I am so glad that wouldn't ever happen to me...because I know I couldn't handle that."
But soon enough..here comes my trial that I thought I couldn't handle.
The thing is..I thank God for trials. As weird and crazy as that sounds.
Because as I go through that trial, I become stronger.
And I am able to conquer the next trial thrown my way a little easier.
There's this lady's blog I follow who I am utterly obsessed with!
My mom showed this to me. She was a victim in a plane crash and was severly burned.
Her story is truly amazing.
I encourage you all to take a look at her blog.
Read what she has to say.
Watch her videos.
Strive to be more like her.
Your life will significantly change if you do.
To View her blog, click Here.
To Watch her amazing video, click Here.
I promise it will change your life around. If you have a heart (:


  1. youre a strong girl. you cant absolutely handle anything God is willing to give you. keep your head up :)

  2. I love mother teresa's quote that made me laugh:)
    all of this is so true though! even though its hard and you want to give up, think about all the things you would miss out on.
    your writing is awesome
