
Two Paths

In life, there are two paths. The straight and narrow, and the curvy (you can call it whatever you would like!) road. The past week or so, I've been wondering on what I should blog about. Well, tonight, a TOUGH conversation brought me to think of two paths. I remember a few months ago, I attended a hard mission farewell that lead us into a discussion with the stake president. He asked all single adults, ages 18-25 to meet in the back room just so he could talk to us for awhile. Well, I wasn't planning on attending that random little meeting until Ciara PUSHED ME to do so (: So I went. He said that he felt like he should for some reason talk to us. Well, we are taught that the righteous are on the "right hand of God." And he compared this to..a teeter totter!!

He was explaining to us that most of us are right in the middle. But you can't just stay in the middle for long. You either drift off to the left, or decide you want to live up to your full potential. We must decide now. Well, most of my friends decide Who am I? What kind of person do I want to be? Do I want to follow God, or have temporary happiness? They want to have temporary happiness. And that's fine. But it's super super hard on me when I see them. They think they are having the time of their lives, when in reality, it's only going to hurt and destroy them in the end. It hurts me..BIG TIME. But I have to realize that soon or later, I just need to worry about myself. What side of the teeter totter am I going to be on? Which PATH am I going to choose? The straight and narrow path is sometimes hard. It's sometimes hard to stand up for what you believe in, or to choose the right thing when everyone else is doing something that you won't think will make a difference. But once you develop those habits and get used to living a righteous life, you WON'T go wrong! Of course there is tons of temptations, and bumps in the road! But if you strengthen what you believe each and every day just by a little, it will be easier and easier to accomplish them. And remember..you're never alone. I just challenge all of you...to decide right now..

what do you want?


  1. it is soooo hard to choose the straight and narrow path when your not around the right people too. your one to look up to because you have a ton of awesome things happening in your life BECAUSE you have decided to be on that straight narrow path.

  2. Conviction counts for everything. It also becomes very easy to resist temptation when you have the guidance you've been seeking because of obedience to eternal laws. STILL "you" have to make the decision. Heavenly Father can't do it for you.
