

After talking to a blog friend about what to blog about..she gave me a good idea.
blog about something that you've learned recently after having not learned it prior to now.
I've always kinda sucked at recognizing the answers to my prayers.
until recently.

When you're dating someone you see as potential in your future..
it's a huge thing.

my number one fear is divorce.
it scares the crap out of me, not going to lie.
so..i turn to prayer.

I felt like I wasn't really getting an answer as to what I should do.
Something dang cool happened.
This past weekend I went to the dunes with my marvelous family.
All I can say..
is that

i want to THANK MY AUNT LISA!!!

hmm..what haven't I really understood until now?
Sometimes God sends people to answer your prayers.
He answers your prayers through family, through friends, and through strangers.


  1. Aw, you made me cry. It's such a fun and important time in your life, and you're such an amazing girl. You're smart enough to figure everything out. Love you!

  2. Yay! This was great :) Short, but sweet.
    Love ya!

  3. Your the best Mand. I just love ya. Lisa is right, you are smart and will figure everything out just fine. It's not always easy, but if you listen to the spirit you'll be happier in the end. :)

    Hope I'll get to see you at your Mom's this weekend.
